

A poetry reading

Nov 12, 2016 | Event 



A poetry reading
Mirei Hattori
Yukinori Maeda



Saturday, December 3, 1pm




5-18-10 Minami-aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo



1,500 yen (Hot drinks will be served during the event.)

Apply in e-mail. Send your name, telephone number to the following address.
Number of seats:

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A Story of New Garments
− Reportage on wearing the garments of COSMIC WONDER

Nov 12, 2016 | COSMIC WONDER Free Press 

In my room overlooking the lush green mountains of Gifu,
Feeling the breeze from the river gently against my cheek,
I savor the touch for example, of COSMIC WONDER’s
Organic cotton circle T-shirt.
Its round form.
Beautiful lightness.
Material imbued with the soft light.
Each time I pass my arms through its sleeves,
The ancient times and the future
Cross and overlap across my body,
And a “new feeling”
Enriches my mind.
COSMIC WONDER’s garments,
In their entirety,
Embody the sensations inborn but completely forgotten
That we trust and love our whole selves,
And signs of the sensations we would experience in the future.
The moment you see them, your mind gets free.
The moment you wear them, your body feels great.
Then your sense of time and space only concerns the “here and now,”
And your new self comes to emerge.
(The new self is not unknown to you,
Because She / He is your true self,
Sleeping within you ever since the ancient times.
That is the yourself in whom
The divinity continues to glow.)
The overwhelming freshness of your new self
Makes feelings of joy flow from the bottom of my heart.
The experiences of your new self,
Produce the inherent rhythm of the universe,
Like when you use an ancient calendar.
This world is discontinuous, invisible, irrational, and non-dual.
It is a dream, invisible but visible,
That we modern people almost forgot.
As soon as we know it,
As if our whole body both inside and out
Becomes filled with beautiful water,
We understand.
(Actually, we have always known that sense −−)
When COSMIC WONDER’s garments
Made in a mountain village
Come to find themselves
In another little town surrounded by mountains
This World finally begins
To ascend into the next realm of consciousness.
COSMIC WONDER’s garments
Are with this new consciousness
And create a new world.
Today, now, and at this very moment.
The way the softness of the light streaming through the shoji,
Brings forth a great effect
Upon the body, mind, and soul of human beings.
We now, return to nothing.
With the particles of light serenely released from the water
August 8, 2015
Millet Hattori
English translation by Kei Benger

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